Brian Lewis talks about his mother …

Category: Violin Videos: Brian Lewis teaches

Brian Lewis talks about his mother...
In 2015, the 7th European Suzuki Teachers Exchange Conference in Remscheid, Germany, was delighted to welcome Brian Lewis as their guest teacher and performer. Brian grew up as a Suzuki child himself, the son of renowned Suzuki pedagogue Alice Joy Lewis, and is now committed to growing the legacies of his former teachers Dorothy DeLay and Shinichi Suzuki.

In the following video Brian talks about his mother and her words of wisdom about his practice rituals as a young child:

During the 7th European Suzuki Teachers Exchange Convention in Germany, October, 30 - November, 2 2015, teachers from 21 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, USA and Canada participated at the conference, organized by the German Suzuki Association. One of the conference highlights was the world-renowned American violinist and pedagogue Brian Lewis.

As a child, he studied with and performed for Dr. Suzuki on many occasions. As a dynamic and engaging teacher, Brian Lewis is committed to growing the legacies of the great pedagogues Dorothy DeLay and Shinichi Suzuki.