Goodner, Christine: Why Slow Progress is Not a Sign to Give up

Category: Articles for Parents (English & Spanish)

Goodner, Christine: Why Slow Progress is Not a Sign to Give up

Christine Goodner writes:

You probably signed your child up for lessons excited about what they would learn. You pictured them playing their instrument with a big smile and steady progress. You may have observed lessons or group classes and seen children playing music with ease and expected to see your child do the same.

So why is progress going so slow?
Why does it feel like you’re having the same lesson over and over again many weeks in a row.
Why does it seem like you’re practicing, but nothing is happening?

Christine Goodner is a Suzuki Violin, Viola & Suzuki Early Childhood Education teacher in Hillsboro, OR. She started Suzuki violin at the age of three, has a 4 year degree in Education & has extensive teacher training through the SAA. Christine runs an active studio in Oregon and is currently serving as the President of the Oregon Suzuki Association. You can read more of her writing on her blog: and she is the author of the book: Beyond the Music Lesson: Habits of Successful Suzuki Families.

© International Music Teachers Exchange published with the kind permission of Christine Goodner