This download contains a set of all MP3 files from “My Trio Book” - except for the copyrighted compositions by Shinichi Suzuki.
These audio files were produced by the German Suzuki Institute in 2000 under its own copyright; they were the test files for “My Trio Book”.
Rudolf Gähler, Kerstin Wartberg, Violins
Susanne Patitz, Viola
Arrangement: Kerstin Wartberg
0 = Complete file of all following titles (length 40 minutes)
- Twinkle , Twinkle, Little Star, Folk Song - Leuchte, leuchte kleiner Stern, Volkslied
- Lightly Row, Folk Song - Hänschen klein, Volkslied
- Song of the Wind, Folk Song - Fuchslied, Volkslied
- Go Tell Aunt Rhody, Folk Song - Tante Rhody, Volkslied
- 0 Come, Little Children, Folk Song - Ihr Kinderlein kommet, Volkslied
- May Song, Folk Song - Alle Vögel sind schon da, Volkslied
- Long, Long Ago - Lang, lang ist's her, T. H. Bayly
- Minuet 1 - Menuett 1, J. S. Bach
- Minuet 2 - Menuett 2, J .S. Bach
- Minuet 3 - Menuett 3, J. Bach
- The Happy Farmer - Der fröhliche Landmann, Schumann
- Gavotte, F. J. Gossec
- Chorus from "Judas Maccabaeus," G. F. Händel
- Musette, J. S. Bach
- Hunters' Chorus - Jägerchor, C. M. v. Weber
- Long, Long Ago - Lang, lang ist's her, T. H. Bayley
- Waltz - Walzer, J. Brahms
- Bourrée, G. F. Handel
- The Two Grenadiers - Die zwei Grenadiere, R. Schumann
- Theme from "Witches' Dance" - Thema aus „ Hexentanz", N. Paganini
- Gavotte from "Mignon" - Gavotte aus „ Mignon", A. Thomas
- Gavotte, J. B. Lully
- Minuet - Menuett, L. van Beethoven
- Minuet - Menuett, L. Boccherini
© Deutsches Suzuki Institut
HERE you find more information about "My Trio Book".
Members can download the sheet music of these Trios arranged for two violins & cello here:
Collection 1
Collection 2
Collection 3
Collection 4
And here you can order the printed sheet music (score and parts) & CD of My Trio Book in its original version for THREE VIOLINS: